Wingello Public School

A school of excellence, opportunity, quality education & achievement

Telephone02 4884 4317

School Uniform

We have a lovely uniform at Wingello Public School and we strongly encourage all students to wear it, especially when attending external school events. The dress code stresses cleanliness and appropriate clothing and footwear. The wearing of hats is compulsory while outside. There is a "no hat – play under the COLA" policy at Wingello Public School.

The Wingello Public School Uniform Shop is a service owned and operated by the volunteers of the Wingello Public School Parents and Citizens Association and has been set up to provide some uniform requirements for students.

The following items are available from the school uniform shop:

  • Summer dress
  • Yellow polo shirts - both long and short sleeve
  • Sports polo shirt
  • Polar fleece jumper (with logo)
  • Dry & cozy polar fleeced lined jacket warm (with logo)
  • School bucket hat 
  • Hair scrunchies & hair bands

Uniform items not available from the School Uniform Shop:

Solid black school shoes or joggers

Black socks / black tights

Black bottoms – trousers, shorts, tracksuits, skorts

Black beanies

A limited amount of second hand uniform items may be available for purchase with a gold coin donation.

The uniforms we encourage students to wear are:

Summer: Checked dress or gold polo shirt, with black skirt, skorts, pants or shorts

Winter:   Gold long sleeved polo shirt with black pants or black skirt/skorts with black tights, a black jumper and/or school jacket

Please contact the school office with any enquiries:

(02) 4884 4317